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NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE My work can be found in the following exhibitions and publications. 12/2015-01/2016 "Sarumawashi", Takeda Art, Ginza 7-10-11-1F, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)6280-6663. www.takeda-bijutu.com 12/05-12/2015 Angkor Photo Festival, Siem Reap, Cambodia, www.angkor-photo.com 05/02 - 06/15/2015 "Fotographica Bogota 2015", FOTOMUSEO, National Museum of Photography in Colombia, Building Av 19 # 3-50 Barichara.-Tower A, Bogotá DC, Tel: 487 2880, www.fotomuseo.org, fotomuseobogota@fotomuseo.org 04/25 - 05/05/2015 Gelatin Silver Session, AXIS Gallery, http://gss-film.com/en/exhibition/2015 12/12/2014 - 02/14/2015 "The Day the Dam Collapses", photo-eye Bookstore + Project Space, 376 Garcia Street, Suite A, Santa Fe, NM 87501 11/15 - 12/20/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 South La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034, (310)559-0800, www.kopeikingallery.com 11/07/2014 - 03/29/2014 "Choromatsu 2, Suo Sarumwashi" is included in the exhibition "Hunting + Gathering: New Additions to the Museum Collection", New Mexico Museum of Art, 107 W Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM, 505-476-5072, www.nmartmuseum.org 09/26-10/25/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses", Daylight , 121 W. Margaret Ln., Ste. D, Hillsborough, NC 27278 www.daylightbooks.org 07/04-26/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses" Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp 05/22-08/31/2014 "Bull City Summer", CAM Raleigh, 409 West Martin Street, Raleigh, NC., http://camraleigh.org/ 05/21-07/26/2014 "UN ETE EN FLEURS" Galerie Basia Embiricon Galerie Photo 12, et Galerie Duo 10. 10-14 rue des Jardins Saint-Paul, Paris 4e, France, +33 1 48 87 00 63, www.galeriebasiaembiricos.com/ 04-07/2014 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake" Favell Museum, 125 West Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, (541)882-9996 www.favellmuseum.org 02/23-08/31/2014 "Bull City Summer" North Carolina Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-6494, (919) 839-NCMA 09/07-10/26/2013 "Suo Sarumawashi", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034, (310)559-0800 Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/222785034546457/ 05/2013 MAGNUS No. 5, Czech & Slovak 05/2013 MIND, China 02/2013 PHOTONEWS, Germany 01/19-02/17/2013 "Labyrinth - JAPAN", theory of clouds, B1F, 2-4-8, Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe JAPAN 6500024, +81-78-335-6510, info@theoryofclouds.jp, http://theoryofclouds.jp 11/30/2012-03/02/2013 "Time Travels", MICHEKO GALERIE, Inh. Michele Vitucci, Theresienstraße 18, D - 80333 München, Germany, T: +49 (89) 38 16 93 88, www.micheko.com 11/08-11/2012 Kunst 12 Zürich International Contemporary Art Fair, AD Galerie, ABB Hall 550, Ricarda-Huch-Strasse | 8050 Zürich 10/04-17/2012 "ARTIFACTS", Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698 09/12-25/2012 "ARTIFACTS", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469 07/14-09/09/2012 "Doubles, Dualities & Doppelgangers", Center for Photography at Woodstock, 59 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY 12498 06/16-07/22/2012 "American Studies/Japanese Studies", Tanto Tempo, 3F, 2-1-3, Sakaemachi-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe JAPAN 650−0023, TEL +81-78-393-0810, http://tantotempo.jp/ 06/2012 AFISHA MIR No. 92, Russia 05/26-06/30/2012 "Portrait Collection", AD-Galerie, route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland Tel. 0041-(0)22 366 47 40 05/2012 Hayden's Ferry Review, Issue 50 03/2012 Photographs Not Taken (A Collection of Photographers' Essays), published by Daylight 01/2012 BLINK Contemporary Photography #8 12/2011 SHUTTER Magazine, Japan Vol. 3 10/2011 20 NOW: Contemporary Photographers, Published by Cite Publishing, Taiwan 10/11-12/11/2011 "Real Venice", Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA w, +44 (0)20 7845 4600, www.somersethouse.org.uk 10/05-29/2011 "Comedy of Double Meaning", Takeda Art, Ginza 7-10-11-1F, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)6280-6663. www.takeda-bijutu.com 09/2011 "Ten Years On--A Collection of Songs in Remembrance of September 11th, 2001" 09/02-24/2011 "Easy Roads, Dark Roads", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp 07/2011 C PHOTO "REAL VENICE" 06/15-10/2011 Selection Art Fair, at AD-Galerie booth, Basel, Switrzerland. www.selection-art.com 06/08-07/12/2011 "Kids are People Too", Panopticon Gallery, inside Hotel Commonwealth, 502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, (617)267-8929 www.panopticongallery.com 6/04-09/30/2011 "Real Venice": Venice in Peril, An exhibition at the 54th Venice Biennale, Abbey of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy, www.veniceinperil.com 04/2011 Cold Mountain Review Vol. 39 Number 2 04/2011 Citizen K, Russia 02/25-03/26/2011 "Le Fables", Gelerie Camera Obscura, 268 Boulevard Raspail 75014 Paris, France, Tel. + 1 45 45 67 08, www.galeriecameraobscura.fr 02/19-04/02/2011 "Love Point", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 S. La Cienega Blvd. Culver City, CA. 90034, Tel. (310) 559-0800, www.kopeikingallery.com 02/02-03/31/2011 "Gallery Artists", photo-eye Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, www.photoeye.com 12/2010 "Love Point" published by Nazraeli Press as One Pictre Book. 12/2010 Zoom Winter 2011 (#101 International, #229 Italian) Special issue ON BLACK&WHITE - Article 12/07/2010-03/13/2011 "DEGREES OF SEPARATION: CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION", San Jose Museum of Art, 110 South Market Street, San Jose, CA, 95113, Tel. (408) 271-6840, www.sjmusart.org 10/31-11/9/2010 Romanian Peasant Museum, Bucharest, Romania, Şos. Kisellef, Nr.3, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Telefon & Fax: +40 21 3179660 info@muzeultaranuluiroman.ro, www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro 08/12-25/2010 "Love Point", Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698 07/07-20/2010 "Love Point", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469 06/18-09/19/2010 "Suo Sarumawashi" Promenades Photographiques, Vendome, France (Photo Festival) --All images of Suo Sarumawashi series will be exhibited. www.promenadesphotographiques.com 06/17-08/28/2010 "Summertime.." (Group show) Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA (415)677-0770 04/28-05/02/2010 Art By Geneve, Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland www.artbygeneve.ch/ch--AD-Galerie (0041-(0)22 366 47 41) 04/2010 "Love Point", Serge online www.serge.se 03/27/2010 Io Donna (Italian publication) Article (PDF) 03/04-07/2010 The Armory Show, Pier 94, New York--Jenkins Johnson Gallery is showing my work. 02/27-07/18/2010 "Limners to Facebook: Portraiture from the 19th to the 21st Century" Asheville Art Museum, 2 South Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28802, (828)253-322 -- "Fukunosuke, Suo Sarumawashi" was included in this exhibition. 12/10/2009-01/30/2010 "Winter Haiku" (Group show) Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA (415)677-0770 12/04/2009 5-7pm Opening Reception coinciding with the release of photo-eye Editions ' Suo Sarumawashi Portfolio 12/02-06/2009 Catherine Edelman Gallery, ART MIAMI Booth B33, The Art Miami Pavillion , Midtown Blvd. Miami, FL 09/11-10/31/2009 "Findings, Kabuki, and Suo Sarumawashi" Catherine Edelman Gallery, 300 W. Superior St., Chicago, IL 60654 (312)266-2350 09/5-10/28, 2009 "American Leitmotiv" (B&W images of the US) AD-Galerie, route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland Tel. 0041-(0)22 366 47 40 07/01-12/31/2009 "Ideology in Paradise" Friends' Center, Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia Contact: Brenda Edelson, curator, BGEdelson@aol.com 505-986-8686 (USA) http://www.fwab.org/ http://www.angkorhospital.org/ 06/25-08/29/2009 "Summertime..." (Group show) Jenkins-Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA USA (415)677.0770 06/18-09/05/2009 “Hot Fun in the Summertime” Group Show, Bonni Benrubi Gallery , 41 E. 57th Street 13th Floor, New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212)888-6007 06/06-07/11/2009 “Ideology in Paradise”, Kopeikin Gallery , 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Tel. (310)385-5894 04/01-09/30/2009 "Hearst 8x10 Photography Biennial" Hearst Tower, 300 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 03/26/2009 "Four Evenings with Fine Art Photographers" hosted by Aline Smithson, 7:00PM, The Julia Dean Photo Workshops (310)392-0909 03/2009 Asahi Camera 2009 March isssue
02/07-03/28/2009 "Connections" Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 521 West 26th Street 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001 (212)629.0707 02/05-03/28/2009 "Connections" Jenkins Johnson Gallery,464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 (415)677.0770 Opening Reception: 2/5/2009 5:30pm (I am attending.) 12/2008 Nikkor Club #207 (2009 Early Spring) publication by Nikon in Japan. Article (日本語) 11/2008 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan. Article (日本語) 10/2008 C International Photo Magazine Numner Seven by Ivory Press, UK 10/09-22/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698 Exhibition (日本語) 10/02-31/2008 "Japanese Studies", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp 09/03-16/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469 Exhibition (日本語) 07/18-08/31/2008 FOTO8 Award & Summer Show, HOST Gallery, 1 Honduras Street, London, England. 0207-253-2770, www.hostgallery.co.uk 07/2008 The Sun July 2008 issue #391. 03/2008 PDN "Exposures" 2008 March issue 03/2008 Phot'Art International, No. 9, published in France. 02/05-02/18/2008 "Photo City Sagamihara", Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Shinjuku Elf Tower 28F, Nishi Shinjuku 1-6-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan (03)3344-0565 Exhibition (日本語) 01/18-5/4/2008 Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, 1750 13th Street, Boulder, CO (303)443-2122 www.bmoca.org Artist Lecture: 1/19 (Sat) 2pm 01/04-2/3/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Newspace Center for Photography, 1632 SE 10th Ave., Portland, Oregon (503)963-1935 10/12-29/2007 "Photo City Sagamihara", Sagamihara Citizen's Gallery, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (042)776-1262 Press Release (日本語) 10/04/2007 Leben magazine pubished by German newspaper ZEIT (PDF) 09/08-10/17/2007 Watermark Fine Art Photographs, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX (713)528-8686 08/30-09/04/2007 "I See Angles Every Day", Osaka Nikon Salon, New Sankei Bldg. 1F, Umeda 2-5-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698 Exhibition (日本語) 09/2007 Daylight ( website) 08/2007 CRATE "Plaza de Toros" Margins and Mainstreams Publication by University of Calfornia, Riverside 07/27-08/19/2007 "Masks and Faces" Gallery Pastrays, 2-1-17-2F Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (03)3516-3080 07/13-10/07/2007 photo-eye Gallery, 376 Garcia Street Suite A, Santa Fe, NM (505)988-5159 05/15-06/09/2007 "L'Asie vue par ses artistes", Alliance Francaise de Sapporo, Minami 2 Nishi 5 Bldg. 2F,10-2, Minami 2 Nishi 5, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Japan (011)261-2771 05/2007 LensWork Interview and Portfolio, No. 70 May-June 2007 issue. 05/2007 Nikkei Otonano OFF monthly publication in Japan. 04/21/2007 "Art Ball", Austin Museum of Art, Austin, Texas 03/18/2007 Hokkaido Shinbun newspaper in Japan. 03/07-03/20/2007 "I See Angles Every Day", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469 Exhibition (日本語) 03/02/2007 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan. Article (日本語) 02/18/2007 Asahi Shinbun newspaper in Japan. Book Review on "I See Angels Every Day" (日本語) 02/18/2007 Nihon Keizai Shinbun newspaper in Japan. 02/02/2007 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan. Article (日本語) 01/19-02/16/2007 "East Meets West", Oswald Gallery in connection with Tractorbeam, 325 S. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX, (214)745-5400. www.tractorbeam.com 01/19-02/12/2007 "FACES", Paul Smith SPACE Gallery, Jingumae 5-46-14 3F, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan, (03)3486-1500. www.paulsmith.co.jp 01/05-01/31/2007 "Observations", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp 12/2006 Phot'Art International, published in France. 11/08/2006-2/18/2007 "Photographic Portrait Prize 2006", National Portrait Gallery, St. Martin's Place, London, UK. 10-11/2006 "Teen Beat", The Society for Contemporary Photography, 520 Avenida Cesar E Chavez, Kansas City, MO 64108 10/2006 hinism, Issue #7 published by WALL in Japan. 10/2006 Photo Magazine Romania, published n Romania. 09/16,17,23,24/2006 Gallery in the Garden, curator: Eileen Tognini, 81 Rockland Road, Orwigsburg, PA, (570)943-2189 09/2006 Black & White Photography, Issue #63, published in UK. 08/23/2006 Hokkaido Shinbun, newspaper in Japan. Article (日本語) 08/05-31/2006 Oswald Gallery, 165 N. Center St., Jackson, Wyoming 83001, (307) 734-8100 07/2006 ZOOM Japan, Vol. 18 published in Japan. 04/2006 hinism, Issue #6 published by WALL in Japan. 03/2006 Gomma, Issue #2 published in UK. 01/05-02/07/2006 "In Your Face" ART-MIAMI/Chelsea Galleria 2441 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, FL, (305) 576-2950 12/2005 Nueva Luz, Vol.10, No.3, photographic journal published by En Foco. 12/02-12/04/2005 OMNIART-Miami, NE 13th Street & NE First Court, Miami, FL, (305) 576-2950 12/2005 The Sun December 2005 issue #360. 11/04-12/16/2005 "Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300 10/27/2005-10/30/2005 AAF Contemporary Art Fair, Print Center Booth #304 Pier 92, 52nd St. & 12th Ave., New York, NY, (212) 255-2003 10/06/2005-11/26/2005 "Faces: Kabuki Players", Bonni Benrubi Gallery 41 E 57th St. 13th Fl., New York, NY, (212) 888-6007 06/03-25/2005 Tower Gallery, 969 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 467-4600 06/2005 SHOTS Issue #88 Summer 2005 Cover 05/2005 mobiles published in Canada. 05/20-07/03/2005 "Kabuki", Waywang Gallery 161 Yan Ji Street,106 Taipei, Taiwan, (886)227763950 04/15/2005-05/30/2005 "Two Home Countries", Photographic Center Northwest 900 12th Ave., Seattle, WA, (206) 720-7222 03/19-04/22/2005 Anniversary Show, Watermark Fine Art Photographs, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX (713)528-8686 03/01-04/02/2005 "One Foot After Another", Mark Woolley Gallery, 120 NW 9th Ave. Ste. 210, Portland, OR (503)224-5475 02/26-03/31/2005 White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA (310)859-2402 01/14/2005-03/10/2005 Solo Show, Oswald Gallery, 714 Congress Avenue Suite 200, Austin, TX (514)494-9440 11/16/2004-01/07/2005 "Festivals and Rituals", Tepper Takayama Fine Arts, 20 Park Plaza Suite 600, Boston, MA (617)542-0557 10/2004 The Sun Ocotber 2004 issue #346. 04/30-06/30/2004 Four Persons' Show, Bassetti Fine Art Photographs, 233 Chartres Street, New Orleans, LA, (504)529-9811 04/24-05/30/2004 Solo Show, Watermark, Fine Art Photographs and Books, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX, (713)528-8686 04/2004 The Sun April 2004 issue #340. 02/28-04/03/2004 "Portraits: Kabuki" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402 01/2004 The Photo Review Volume 26 Number 3. 01/2004 Foto Pozytyw, published in Poland Cover 01/2004 The Sun January 2004 issue #337. 12/23/2003-01/07/2004 "APA: Personal.Ads" Louis Stern Gallery, 9002 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA (310) 276-0147 11/14/03-01/15/2004 Two Persons Show, The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872 10/2003 The Sun October 2003 issue #334. 10/03-11/7/2003 "Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300 09/13-10/18/2003 "Inspirations and Interpretations" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402 06/2003 SoHo June 2003 issue, published in Columbia. 06/2003 The Sun June 2003 issue #330. 05/01-05/31/2003 Blue Sky Gallery, 1231 NW Hoyt, Portland, OR, (503)225-0210 04/12-05/17/2003 White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402 03/2003 "Camera Craft Series: Portraits", published by ava publishing in Switzerland 01/31/2003-03/31/2003 "Delicate Objects" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872 01/2003 Orion Janurary/February 2003 issue. 12/18/2002-01/08/2003 "APA: Personal.Ads" Louis Stern Gallery, 9002 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA (310) 276-0147 11/21/2002-01/11/2003 "Vision of Iceland" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872 11/2002 The Sun November 2002 issue #323. 10/25/2002 "2002 Center Awards Exhibition" Center for Photographic Art, Sunset Center Suite #1, San Carlos & 9th, Carmel, CA, (831) 625-5181 10/4-11/8/2002 "Photo Review 2002 Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300 09/27-11/16/2002 "Grand Opening Exhibition" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872 09/2002 Mundo Diners September 2002 issue #244 in Ecuador. 09/2002 Black & White Magazine "Spotlight" September issue #21. 07/27-08/31/2002 "Veiled Observations and Reflections" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402 06/20-08/16/2002 "A Bird Show" Ricco Maresca Gallery, 529 West 20th Street 3 F, New York, NY, (212)627-4819 06/07-07/13/2002 "Quiet Observations" photo-eye Gallery, 370 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM , (505)988-5152 03/23-05/04/2002 "76th Annual International Competition: Photography", The Print Center, 1614 Latimer Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215)735-5511 |