Edited and Published by Russell Joslin

Next CALL FOR WORK: THE ANNUAL PORTFOLIO ISSUE - Submittals due August 2, 2005

Now in its nineteenth year of publication, Shots Magazine is a quarterly, reader-supported journal of photography. Shots is characterized by its diverse, straightforward and bold presentation of images by photographers of all levels with an innate passion for creative, personal work. If you are someone who enjoys photography, or if you have some unpublished work you would like to share, Shots may be for you.



Click the cover to see sample images from this issue



Cover photograph: HIROSHI WATANABE  Santa Monica Pier



Current Issue

Summer 2005


Featured in the open-themed Summer Issue of Shots are a wide range of imagery from 35 contributing photographers (see some sample images here). Also included is Russell Joslin’s in-depth interview with photographer Debbie Fleming Caffery.


Truly independent and unique, it is the participation and support of readers who make Shots possible. Show your support with your subscription today.





Due to the dissolution of Shots’ primary distributor, SHOTS 88 will not be available at many of the bookstores and newsstands that you’ve grown accustomed to seeing Shots at. If you would like to see them continue to carry Shots in the future, contact Shots with the store name and city, or better, ask the store to contact Ubiquity Distributors to place an order. In the meantime, and as always, copies may be ordered directly from Shots—visit the order page for details. Thank you for your help and understanding!


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