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Love Point
Happy New Year!  I am pleased to announce that my new book "Love Point" is here.  The book is published by Toseisha in Japan.  I spent days in snow-covered city of Nagano last month while the book was printed.  The book is accompanied by an original short story of the same title by Richard Curtis Hauschild.  All my books are available at photo-eye Books and galleries listed in my website,

photo-eye Editions : Suo Sarumwashi

photo-eye Edition's is pleased to announce our second publication, Suo Sarumawashi by Hiroshi Watanabe. Sarumawashi, "monkey dancing," has been in existence for over a thousand years in Japan. Initially it evolved as a form of religious ritual designed to protect the horses of warriors. Later, it developed into a popular festival entertainment, with monkeys performing throughout the countryside of Japan. Sarumawashi ranks alongside Noh and Kabui as one of the oldest and most traditional of Japan's performing arts. The highly trained monkeys perform acrobatic stunts and comedic skits and are beloved by those who witness them. Hiroshi Watanabe remembered these performing monkeys from his childhood and traveled to Japan to rediscover them. Rather than making pictures of the performances, Watanabe instead chose to produce this series of formal portraits made in a make-shift studio on location in Japan. These pictures not only portray the monkeys with great dignity and respect, but are also a beautiful, quiet reflection of Watanabe's sensitivities and artistic soul.
Please see the link below for more information.

photo-eye 30th Anniversary Show!
photo-eye is holding its 30th anniversary show with the images of Suo Sarumawashi series till February 5th, 2010.

Photo LA   
January 14-17, 2010 at the Santa Monica Civic Center, CA.
My work will be shown by these fine galleries. 
will be showing prints from "Suo Sarumawashi" along with photo-eye Editions portfolio.
Susan Spiritus Gallery 
will be showing 32x32 large size print of "El Arbolito Park, Quito, Ecuador" among others.
Kevin Longino Fine Photographs
will be showing prints from "Love Point" series and will have books for sale as well.

I hope to see you there!

Copyright (C) 2010 Hiroshi Watanabe All rights reserved.

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Hiroshi Watanabe
8810 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA 90069

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