


I would like to tell you about my upcoming shows.  Please join me at the openings and/or visit the galleries to see the shows.


(1)  June 6 - August 22, 2009 "Ideology in Paradise"  Kopeikin Gallery,

8810 Melrose Avenye, West Hollywood, CA USA (310)385.5894

Please see the press release below.


(2) JUne 18 - September 05, 2009 "Hot Fun in the Summertime" (Group show) Bonni Benrubi Gallery,

41 E. 57th Street 13th Floor, New York, NY, USA (212)888-6007

It is a group show featuring works of contemporary photographic artists such as LeRoy Grannis. David Leventi, Peter Jones, Heidi Basset Blair, Evan Schwartz, Damion Berger, and others.  Bonni Benrubi Gallery holds a large inventory of my various work and can show any of them in the print room upon request.  So, please stop by the gallery when you are in New York


(3) June 25 - August 29 "Summertime..." (Group show) Jenkins-Johnson Gallery,

464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA USA (415)677.0770


(4)  July 1 - December 31, 2009  "Ideology in Paradise"  Friends' Center, Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia Contact: Brenda Edelson, curator, BGEdelson@aol.com  505-986-8686  (USA)

Angkor Hospital for Children sponsored by Friends Without A Border is a Pediatric Hospital providing free treatment and care to the children in the Siem Reap area.  On average 350 children and their families arrive at the hospital seeking care. Since opening in 1999, there have been more than 610,000 visits to AHC by Cambodian children. AHC is an official Teaching Hospital and has taught more than 2,000 healthcare professionals from Cambodia. Please visit the website at http://www.fwab.org/ or http://www.angkorhospital.org/

The Friends' Center is a multi-media visitors' center adjacent to the Angkor Hospital for Children. Within the Center is a series of changing exhibitions of photographs by Asian photographers or using aspects of Asia as the subject. The photographs are for sale to benefit the Hospital. Often the photographer has made a special edition available only at the Friends' Center. My photographs are for sale for the benefit of the hospital, but you don’t need to buy my photograph to contribute. Please donate what you can to Angkor Hospital for Children.



(5)  September 5 - October 28, 2009  "American Leitmotiv" (B&W images of the US)  AD-Galerie,

route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland Tel. 0041-(0)22 366 47 40


In addition, following exhibitions are still on-going.


(6)Hearst 8x10 Photography Biennial New York through September 2009

Hearst Tower, 300 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019

Hearst 8 X 10 Photography Biennial will recognize eight winners and feature their work in two exhibition spaces in the atrium of Lord Norman Foster’s Hearst Tower, the company’s acclaimed New York City headquarters. Both the newly-named Alexey Brodovitch Gallery and the Hearst Gallery will showcase approximately 100 photographs beginning in April 2009 through the end of the year. Hearst will publish both digital and print catalogues showcasing works chosen by 10 judges composed of editors, creative directors, curators, and renowned photographers.

(7)George Eastman House “Seeing Ourselves” through January 2010

Seeing Ourselves will introduce American audiences to historical and contemporary photographic masterpieces that were previously unknown to them, or familiar only as reproductions. The exhibition will be organized in broad and accessible subject-based groupings that represent more than 150 years of excellence. The groupings reflect the ways contemporary viewers know photography, thus linking their understanding of the present to the practices of the past. Seeing Ourselves gives broad public exposure and accessible context to the impact of photography on our nation.
"Vietnam War Memorial, Washington DC” is included in the exhibition.


Link below is a Podcast by George Eastman House about its travelling exhibition “SEEING OURSELVES” in which Alison Nordstrom comments on the photographs of the exhibition. Please see below.


See you there.





For Additional Information

Please contact info@kopeikingallery.com

t. 310.385.5894




June 6 - July 11, 2009

Opening Reception and Book Signing, Saturday, June 6, 7 - 9 pm



The Kopeikin Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition by Japanese born and Los Angeles based photographer, Hiroshi Watanabe titled Ideology in Paradise (also the title of Watanabe’s recently published book).  While widely exhibited internationally this is Watanabe’s first solo show at the Kopeikin Gallery.  Putting aside his usual black and white palette, Watanabe this time uses color in his attempt to tell an unbiased story of North Korean culture and everyday life. The exhibition opens on Saturday, June 6th with a book signing and reception with the artist from 7:00 – 9:00. The exhibition will continue through July 11th. The gallery’s summer hours are Wednesday through Saturday from 11:00 – 5:00.  It is free and open to the public.


From 2006 – 2007, Watanabe made trips to North Korea to investigate the myths that were spoken as fact in his native Japan.  North Korea was described only as a country that kidnapped Japanese, allowed police to brutalize their citizens, and left the poor to die of starvation on the streets. Unconvinced by this one-sided perspective of North Koreans he wanted to investigate for himself.  During his time in North Korea, he let his curiosity guide him and allowed the process to unfold organically without imposing any agenda. These images are rich in both content and aesthetics, giving the viewer a window into a moment in time, captured with a genuine respect that is visible in each of his images.


As Lesley Martin writes, “… the experience of looking at Hiroshi Watanabe’s images is eerily like stepping into a Social Realist painting: the ruddy-cheeked young girl playing the accordion, the traditional gowns in brilliant pinks and greens of dancers swirling beneath the omnipresent image of the dear leader and the DPRK flag. One is quietly lulled into the sense that life in North Korea might, in fact, be just as it appears within the frames of these images—normal—instead of like the stories of kidnappings, military posturing, and famine.”


Hiroshi Watanabe lives and works in Los Angeles and holds a degree from Nihon University, Japan.  He has published eight books of his work and he is in the permanent collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, The George Eastman House and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art.  Watanabe’s recent accomplishments include the Hearst 8 x 10 Biennial Award, the Center Project Competition First Prize, and the Photolucida Critical Mass Book Award. 


The Kopeikin Gallery is located at 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, 90069.  Hours: Wednesday – Saturday 11 am – 5 pm.

Image: Hiroshi Watanabe, Singers, Mangyondae Schoolchildren’s Palace, North Korea, Archival Pigment Print, 2007.